Our Princess Is In Another Castle

Another video game journalist's attempts to make himself seem like some sort of important visionary but ultimately end up making him look a bit of a clueless plonker

Saturday 26 April 2008

"Virtual Reality"

In my spare time, I like messing about with official video game artwork and trying to do something different with it. Yes, I'm sad. Sue me.

So I've decided to do a set of pics called "Virtual Reality: Video Game Characters In Real-Life Settings". This is my first attempt:


Blogger Speedy said...

Hmm, now it's not bad, well edited in, but the shadows (Whilst good) definetely aren't right. Good first attempt though, you can only go up from here :P

28 April 2008 at 13:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Miles Prower! My favourite Sega character! Cool pic! (The exclamation marks are for the lulz.)

28 April 2008 at 18:07  
Blogger Conor Godfrey said...

not bad, chris.

6 July 2008 at 06:31  

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