Our Princess Is In Another Castle

Another video game journalist's attempts to make himself seem like some sort of important visionary but ultimately end up making him look a bit of a clueless plonker

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Save The Cheerleader etc

One of my many annoying quirks is my habit of always being late when it comes to getting into what's currently popular.

As I result I only started watching Heroes last night, having bought the HD box set in New York for £25.

So far I'm loving it. I've heard the second series is crap but that doesn't bother me too much at the moment since I'm only two episodes into the the first.

I'm loving the wee Japanese guy, Hiro, but at the end of the second episode he ends up back in Tokyo again. I hope he ends up back in New York at some point.

If you're going to comment, please don't spoil it! :-)

What do you lot think of Heroes?


Blogger Ross said...

Heroes is awesome.

The second series isn't as bad as everyone is making out. I'm enjoying it anyway. Missed episode three though, gutted.

14 May 2008 at 02:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never got a chance to watch Heroes, even though I keep telling myself to.

Another show I recently got into which is brilliant, is HOUSE M.D.

Fantastic show, give that a try :)

14 May 2008 at 07:27  
Blogger Nquoid said...

Heroes for me really went downhill after the season 1 finale. Season 1 is a fantastic season of television and I hope you have a great time watching it Chris, just don't expect the same momentum in season 2.

Still hoping Season 3 will be decent though

14 May 2008 at 12:22  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Heroes.
My favourite character has to be the Hiro, for the reason thathe is tghe one that sees him having powers as a good thing.

15 May 2008 at 09:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is everyone bashing season 2 for? It's like three episodes in... Season 1 started just as slow... It'll pick up for sure.

Great series though!

16 May 2008 at 17:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely epic show.

I think series 2's every bit as good as the first. Just... different is all.

You'll love series 1 even more when it starts to pick up speed. At the moment it's still just introducing everything.

You're in for one hell of a ride.

17 May 2008 at 17:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah it's an excellent series, Season 2 isn't as good, but it's worth seeing.


18 May 2008 at 08:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also like House and would recommend it to anyone.

31 May 2008 at 18:58  

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