Heroes Update
Okay, I'm about six or seven episodes in now and I'm really getting into it. Turns out my fears about Hiro were unfounded since he goes right back to America in the next episode. Oh.
I'd assume most of you who've been watching are like me in that you have your favourite character stories and your less favourite ones. Personally, I love Hiro and the cheerleader, but I have to admit I've been getting a bit bored every time Ali Later's character (Niki) appears.
I know it's still early days and I'm sure things will pick up with her eventually, but while everyone else's story is really taking off she's still just looking into mirrors a lot and getting shocked when her reflection looks all mean and moody. I don't know why she still looks shocked every time it happens, I've seen it about 15 times now. If it was me I'd be sort of expecting it by about the third time.
Loving the cheerleader though. Not only is she visually appealing (lulz) but her character allows for some really action-packed and gory scenes in the show without the writers having to worry about killing off any characters. Nice one.
So yeah, really getting into it now. I just hope something happens with Niki soon. I hope her reflection reaches out of the mirror and slaps her in the face, shouting "get over it" or something.