Our Princess Is In Another Castle

Another video game journalist's attempts to make himself seem like some sort of important visionary but ultimately end up making him look a bit of a clueless plonker

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Ten Things I Learned While Watching Indy 4


1) If there is ever any danger of a nuclear explosion, get in a fridge. You will survive without even a scratch, even if you're thrown hundreds of feet by the blast.

2) The US Military tests nuclear explosions a mere stone's throw away from Area 51, with no regard for the possible damage said explosion could do to the stuff there.

3) When swinging on vines in a Tarzan-esque manner, it is perfectly possible to pick up enough momentum to catch up with two jeeps that are travelling at high speed.

4) Snakes are pretty flexible and don't attack even when you're pulling them really hard.

5) Floors in university libraries are greased on a daily basis, in case anyone ever needs to slide from one end of the room to the other.

6) It is perfectly possible to survive falling off three waterfalls in a small raft.

7) Gophers are annoying.

8) English people can change sides more times than a tennis match at an Alzheimer's conference.

9) Aliens aren't as awesome as they should be.

10) Russians make for boring bad guys. Nazis are where it's at.


Blogger Speedy said...

Damn straight. 'twas a good day.

7 June 2008 at 04:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found those things to be complete lies during the film, he hid in a fridge?, made of plastic even though houses made of brick were perished =|


8 June 2008 at 14:33  
Blogger Speedy said...

It was lead-lined, obviously.

9 June 2008 at 08:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to check out my fridge to see if my one is lead-lined.

12 June 2008 at 16:27  
Blogger Conor Godfrey said...


It was ridiculous how he caught up with the speeding jeeps.

Pi master

6 July 2008 at 06:19  

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