Heroes Update
Okay, I'm about six or seven episodes in now and I'm really getting into it. Turns out my fears about Hiro were unfounded since he goes right back to America in the next episode. Oh.
I'd assume most of you who've been watching are like me in that you have your favourite character stories and your less favourite ones. Personally, I love Hiro and the cheerleader, but I have to admit I've been getting a bit bored every time Ali Later's character (Niki) appears.
I know it's still early days and I'm sure things will pick up with her eventually, but while everyone else's story is really taking off she's still just looking into mirrors a lot and getting shocked when her reflection looks all mean and moody. I don't know why she still looks shocked every time it happens, I've seen it about 15 times now. If it was me I'd be sort of expecting it by about the third time.
Loving the cheerleader though. Not only is she visually appealing (lulz) but her character allows for some really action-packed and gory scenes in the show without the writers having to worry about killing off any characters. Nice one.
So yeah, really getting into it now. I just hope something happens with Niki soon. I hope her reflection reaches out of the mirror and slaps her in the face, shouting "get over it" or something.

Hmm... Niki does see some development, but I never really liked her character.
Isn't talk of heroes interesting.
In your position, as hero to so many impressionable youths, I'd be looking to positively influence them through my blogs, or forum interaction.
I wouldn't just keep my views to myself on, say, racism, homophobia or anything else controversial. If I was looking after a busy internet forum, I wouldn't just hide any thread in the staff room when the few members who can be bothered to fight a sensible corner get too worn out to continue.
Still, why worry about such responsibilities when the world's crying out for another trivial blog about year-old television?
To be fair, this blog is only about the things that happen in my personal life: it's not a soapbox where I can talk about "racism, homophobia or anything else controversial".
I'd also disagree with your insinuation that I move threads to the staff room when they're getting out of control. I haven't moved a thred to the staff room in months, I simply close them unless there's some visually offensive content in there (such as porn). It's the mods who move threads to the staff room, when they're unsure of what to do with them (which is what we ask them to do).
Believe it or not, my work on the forum is my job. This blog is just a personal thing I do in my own time to take my mind off my job, so I'd appreciate it if it could stay that way. I think forum discussions should be kept in the forum, and by all means you can continue this over there by PMing me instead of hiding behind the veil of anonymity.
But I don't think forum politics should be following me over here, as it has done in various other sites I've used in my personal life. Thanks.
Forum politics aren't an issue. It just seems a shame that you can't set aside some of your time spent on self-promotion (video blogs?) to give your large fanbase of impressionable teenagers a positive message, above and beyond 'I really like games'.
I don't intend PMing you at the ONM forums - I've seen what can happen to dissidents. I enjoy my account, and have no desire to become Che Guevara.
Well perhaps if you actually took the time to actually read the posts I make and watch the video blogs you're so quick to criticise, you'd know that not once I have ever been anything but a good influence.
I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I take a hard stance on swearing on the forum, I'm quick to remove anything offensive from there, and in short I spend the vast majority of my time (both during and outwith office hours) to ensure that the younger readers of our forum are safe and entertained.
So with all due respect, I don't think I'm the person you should have a problem with. It's not my job to teach children the ins and outs of racism and homophobia: that's what their school and their parents are for. As long as I myself am not racist and homophobic (which I can assure you I'm certainly not), and as long as I take a hard stance on it whenever it surfaces on our forum (which I can assure you I certainly do), then as far as I'm concerned I'm doing my part and shouldn't be criticised.
I also take objection to your suggestion of "what can happen to dissidents". I'd like some examples of forum members who were banned for no good reason, as opposed to being banned for breaking forum rules.
As for your continued anonymity, I'm afraid your arguments don't hold much ground while there's always the possibility that you're a previously banned member. Having never banned a member before for disagreeing with me (otherwise I can assure you there'd be hardly anyone left), I'd appreciate some trust in this matter. As I said before, a PM would be very much obliged.
Belive me chris heroes gets a lot more intersting! (season 3 looks really good)
Also I'm glad I found your blog, Its actually really intersing!
whatever happened to the 350 films in 350 days? Or something along thoose lines.
Cheers ^_^
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